40+ FREE (or super cheap) Ideas For Families During Lockdown


How’s lockdown going for you? We’re a couple weeks in, with at least a couple more weeks to go. My creativity for at home activities is starting to run low, and my five year old is starting to get a little stir crazy. Heck, we all are! I mean, how many walks through the same neighborhood can we really go on in a day? Out of sheer desperation I turned to Google to figure out how I can entertain my kids while maintaining my sanity. I’ve compiled a list of a few ideas I found, and a couple activities I came up with. Before we get to the list please remember, while it’s good to have structure, it’s okay to let your kids be bored. Boredom is where your kids creativity will blossom! Don’t stress about filling every moment of every day with a scheduled activity. Most importantly, give yourself (and your kids) grace! This is uncharted territory for all of us, and we are all learning as we go. All that being said, here is the list!…

Educational Resources

1. Free Printable Worksheets - prek-8th

2. 3D Bear (app) - AR learning and fun!

3. Active Kids Do Better - free physical education activities

4. Babbel - learn a foreign language. Three months completely free for a limited time!

5. Bedtime Math - online math problems for parents to do with their kids and fun hands on games

6. Phonics Hero - 850 games teaching about phonics, reading and spelling, and how to conquer sentences

7. Teach Your Monster To Read - create a monster and take it on a magical learning adventure

8. Tinkergarten - weekly DIY activity plans and live tinkergarten sessions

9. Vooks - animated story books, one month free

10. HERE is a link to a TON more educational resources. Many of these I’d never heard of! Please note: some of them are available to teachers only.

Virtual Tours

1. Lourve - plus 500 more at this LINK

2. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii - along with many other National Parks! Available HERE

3. Live Animal Cams - this is one of my favorites. I could watch the shark lagoon for HOURS.

4. Check out a Broadway show at home!

5. Go on a virtual ride at Disney! Head to YouTube and search for a 360 “ride” on almost any attraction. - Also a favorite of mine!

6. Virtual Zoo Encounters - check out your local zoo’s Facebook page as there are many zoos doing daily animal encounter videos.

7. Great Wall of China

8. Great Sphinx of Giza

9. Colonial Williamsburg

10. Yellowstone National Park


1. PBS Kids - web version available HERE

2. Splash Math/Splash Learn - K-5 interactive math games

3. Khan Academy for Kids - interactive learning games in various curriculum areas for ages 2-7

4. Khan Academy - short video lessons arranged by subject for older students

5. Writing Wizard - Print and cursive editions available. Introduces letter sounds, correct letter and number formation.

6. Tynker - coding program to teach kids how to make games and programs

7. Bible App for Kids - interactive, narrated Bible stories

8. ABC Mouse - (my daughter’s personal fave) Free for 30 days. Web version available HERE

9. Hooked on Phonics - $1 for the first month. TOTALLY worth it! Click HERE to check it out!

10. Leap Frog Academy - free two month trial available HERE

Get Up and MOVE

1. Go Noodle - free movement, yoga, mindfulness videos, and more!

2. Cosmic Kids Yoga - yoga and mindfulness for kids. Available on YouTube or as an app!

3. 19 Surprisingly Fun Balloon Games

4. 87 Energy Busting Indoor Games & Activities

5. Beat Goes On - streamable body percussion sessions

6. 101 Sidewalk Chalk Ideas

8. Geocaching! (app available)

9. Paint with water - Grab an old paintbrush or roller and a bucket of water. Let kids paint the house, the sidewalk, rocks, etc.

10. Build a fort! Just like you did when you were a kid. Be creative! Bonus points for picnic lunch in the new fort. ;)

One last one because I think this is SUPER cool. WHYYY didn’t I know about this sooner?! Have a Netflix Party! Netflix Party will synchronize video playback and add group chat to your favorite Netflix shows. HOW COOL!

I hope this list was helpful. I know I will be referring back to it on a regular basis over the weeks to come. Did I leave anything out? What has been your favorite lockdown activity? Let me know in the comments!


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